



1. 产业规模不断扩大:随着市场的需求,广州eva按摩球头厂家不断壮大,形成了较为完善的产业链。

2. 技术水平不断提高:广州eva按摩球头厂家注重技术创新,引进先进的生产设备,提高产品质量。

3. 品牌影响力增强:广州eva按摩球头厂家积极拓展国内外市场,提升品牌知名度,树立良好的企业形象。

4. 产品种类丰富:广州eva按摩球头厂家可根据客户需求定制各类按摩球头,满足不同人群的养生需求。


1. 材料优质:广州eva按摩球头厂家选用优质eva材料,具有良好的弹性和耐磨性,使用寿命长。

2. 设计独特:厂家根据人体工程学原理,设计出符合人体生理结构的按摩球头,达到更好的按摩效果。

3. 安全可靠:广州eva按摩球头厂家注重产品安全,严格把控生产过程,确保产品无有害物质。

4. 价格合理:厂家实行规模化生产,降低成本,为消费者提供高性价比的按摩球头。



1. 国内市场潜力巨大:随着我国人口老龄化趋势加剧,老年人对按摩产品的需求日益增长,为广州eva按摩球头厂家提供了广阔的市场空间。

2. 国际市场拓展:广州eva按摩球头厂家积极拓展海外市场,将高品质的按摩产品推向全球。

3. 消费升级:随着消费者对按摩产品品质要求的提高,广州eva按摩球头厂家将迎来更多发展机遇。

4. 健康理念普及:随着健康观念的普及,人们对按摩产品的需求将更加旺盛,广州eva按摩球头厂家市场前景广阔。







1. 独特的按摩手法:东沙广州按摩技师经过名师指点,掌握了一系列独特的按摩手法,如揉、推、捏、按等,能够深入肌肉,有效缓解肌肉紧张和疼痛。

2. 专业的按摩环境:东沙广州按摩会所环境优雅,氛围宁静,让顾客在舒适的环境中享受按摩服务。

3. 贴心的服务:技师根据顾客的需求,量身定制按摩方案,确保每位顾客都能得到满意的体验。

4. 丰富的项目选择:东沙广州按摩提供多种按摩项目,如泰式按摩、中式按摩、足浴、水疗等,满足不同顾客的需求。


1. 缓解肌肉疲劳:长时间工作或运动后,肌肉会出现疲劳和酸痛,东沙广州按摩能够有效缓解肌肉紧张,恢复肌肉活力。

2. 改善血液循环:按摩过程中,技师通过手法刺激穴位,促进血液循环,有助于降低血压、改善心脏功能。

3. 舒缓压力:按摩能够缓解神经紧张,帮助人们缓解压力,改善睡眠质量。

4. 提高免疫力:按摩能够调节人体的内分泌系统,提高免疫力,预防疾病。



1. 按摩环境:会所内部装饰典雅,氛围宁静,让人一进门就能感受到放松的氛围。

2. 技师服务:技师手法专业,根据我的需求调整按摩力度,让我在按摩过程中感到舒适。

3. 按摩效果:经过一次按摩,我明显感觉到身体轻松了许多,肌肉酸痛得到了缓解。

4. 心灵体验:在按摩过程中,我学会了冥想,让自己在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁静。






















1. 招聘岗位丰富:广州推拿医生招聘涵盖医院、养生机构、康复中心等多个领域,包括推拿医师、按摩师、理疗师等岗位。

2. 招聘要求多样:不同机构对推拿医生的要求有所不同,一般包括学历、专业、工作经验等方面。部分医院和养生机构对推拿医生的专业背景有较高要求,如中医推拿专业、针灸推拿专业等。

3. 招聘薪资待遇:广州推拿医生的薪资待遇与个人能力、工作经验及所在机构有关。一般来说,初级推拿医生月薪在4000-8000元,中级推拿医生月薪在8000-12000元,高级推拿医生月薪在12000元以上。


1. 市场需求旺盛:随着人们对健康养生的关注,推拿医生在市场上的需求持续增长,为从业者提供了广阔的发展空间。

2. 行业前景广阔:中医养生行业在我国政策扶持下,未来发展前景广阔。推拿医生作为中医养生的重要组成部分,有望在行业发展中占据重要地位。

3. 人才培养体系完善:广州各大中医院校均开设有推拿相关专业,为推拿医生提供了良好的教育背景和技能培训。


1. 提升自身技能:推拿医生需要具备扎实的理论基础和实践技能,通过不断学习和实践,提高自己的专业水平。

2. 关注行业动态:了解广州推拿医生招聘市场的最新动态,以便抓住机遇,顺利就业。

3. 注重职业道德:推拿医生在工作中要严格遵守职业道德,关爱患者,以患者为中心,提供优质的服务。

4. 考虑发展前景:在求职过程中,要关注所在机构的规模、口碑、发展前景等因素,为自己的职业生涯规划做好铺垫。











1. 热石按摩:利用天然火山石的热度,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,具有很好的舒缓作用。

2. 芳香疗法:通过精油按摩、熏香等方式,调节身体机能,改善情绪,具有很好的养生效果。

3. 身体磨砂:采用天然海盐或死海盐,配合特殊手法,去除肌肤老化角质,使肌肤光滑细腻。

4. 面部护理:采用高端护肤品,为你的肌肤提供深层滋养,延缓衰老。



1. 亲子SPA:让父母和孩子一同享受SPA的乐趣,增进亲子感情。

2. 团体SPA:与朋友或同事一起体验SPA,增进彼此间的友谊。

3. 婚礼SPA:为新婚夫妇提供特别的SPA体验,为你们的婚礼增添浪漫氛围。

4. 健康SPA:针对亚健康人群,提供一系列养生保健项目,帮助你改善身体状况。





They are not merciful, but they can move heaven and earth in Sanskrit, and the Sanskrit gold characters are shining in the valley.

In a short time, tens of thousands of night guards have been arrayed outside Taniguchi.
Shaqi soars into the sky like a cloud to cover the sky.
While the golden light shines pure and free; One side is like a dark cloud, and the evil wind howls.
Although just a few tens of feet away, it seems that two different worlds have collided and become a fresh contrast.
In a short time, a nine-foot-tall bloody figure has straddled a tall, fierce, double-headed wolf monster beast in the ice sheet.
His bloody cloak is swaying with the wind like skates, and his smiling face is strangely frozen, and his eyes are red and bloody, so that the number of nocturnal guards behind him is silent and full of coldness.
Every time I enter, the frozen silvery white ground on the left and right will burst into red like stepping on a sea of blood!
E Lai magic statue that a pair of terrible blood pupil has contemptuously scanned the taniguchi side’ swastika’ word enchantment and then eyes moved down the draw a ng south old son.
The old man with gray hair and long eyebrows must be in China, holding an ice crystal rosary and sitting on the ice crystal lotus table, if he is a real person.
Therefore, the old man is an elder of Mahayana and Dewang in Ganan practice, and this valley is the Dojo and hence the name-Forgetting the Evil Master.
Gannanxiu is different from other practitioners. Their practice methods are called Mahayana Heart Sutra and Mahayana Nirvana Heart Sutra.
Ride, cross and road.
Hinayana pays attention to crossing over consciously.
Mahayana is also called conscious, and at the same time, he feels that he is willing to cross all beings.
In other words, Mahayana needs to cross over not only himself but also others.
Obviously, Mahayana is higher than Hinayana, which can be said to be a great love for all beings. Hinayana has existed since ancient times, and Mahayana was created by the Venerable Ganan.
Of course, no matter which one is, it is all about the center of gravity and no desire.
The Mahayana Nirvana Heart Sutra is an epiphany after the Ganan venerable entered the mainland and realized that the Ganan Heart Sutra has the ability to absorb dark sources and refine them into spiritual powers, just like the Nine Qi Tactics created by the predecessors of Qingdeng.
However, compared with the secret nine-qi formula Mahayana nirvana, it is more profound and can perfectly suppress and purify the absorbed Shaqi.
However, the mountain and sea gods gave the southern branch of the mainland, such as the virgin Jia Nan, a Hinayana method and some lost it.
The Mahayana Nirvana Heart Sutra that I studied has forgotten the evil spirit of the bodhi old zu, and now it is the later stage of the shadow. This lack of aura can be described as a real strong person in the mainland
Now he is willing to give his life to stop evil spirits from invading the pure land in this snowy valley Dojo in Zhizhi Town, and his disciples are even more willing to give their lives to follow the crowd and become an enchantment to fight evil spirits to the end.
They all know that if the two bodhi old zu can get to the pure land, they may be able to keep evil spirits out of the valley, but if they can’t get to the pure land behind them, it will completely turn the scorched earth into a land of evil spirits’ bliss’.
By that time, I am afraid that the disaster will repeat itself in the mountains and seas before the ages!
This ….. is what they can’t bear to see.
Forget the outside of Xuegukou on the north bank of the river.
At the moment, the number of nocturnal guards is like a tiger, and they are arrayed in front of Taniguchi’s wide ice surface, which is like a cloud covering heaven and earth.
E Lai’s bloody cloak is like a skates. His smiling face is strangely frozen, and his eyes are red and bloody, so that the number of nocturnal guards behind him is silent and full of coldness.
A pair of blood pupils have scanned the huge "Zi" barrier floating shadow in front of Taniguchi contemptuously, and then their eyes have shifted, and they are holding ice crystal beads and forgetting the bodhi old zu.
By this time, the venerable E Lai was smiling and sitting high on the mount of the evil wolf and monster beast, pointing to the enchantment, floating shadows and evil faces. "Forget the evil old man, can you stop your footsteps with this little enchantment of proverbs?"
The bodhi old zu, who is sitting in a dish, has opened his eyes faintly and is full of compassion and vicissitudes of life. His eyes are full of compassion.
He looked up at the E Lai magic statue slightly if looking forward to "good good honour person to go his own way has been dead mountain blood crime? Don’t venerable sir … aren’t you afraid that your soul will fall into hell and be punished in the afterlife? "
"Hell? Bad karma? Oh ~ "Smell this ridiculous folly. E Lai’s magic statue has been unable to laugh at the face upwards." ~ Deadwood old son, don’t you know … does the statue come from hell in your mouth? Hum … "
As he spoke, his smiling face was still glaring. "… but I want you to know that your honour place is full of people’s hell!"
Taking his word, he raised his hand with a wave of his hand.
Behind the magic circle, there are two feet of blood shadows, each dragging a blood ShaQi overflowing chain broadsword’ Zizi’ to kill me.
Forget the bodhi old zu and see at a glance that these two people are the Zun realm. Look at the huge bloodthirsty weapon dragging behind them. I’m afraid their strength is comparable to that of the early days of the shadow.

Later, his body, which was hung from an ancient branch, should not have been found, but Rowling was the first to find it.

This morning, Rowling broke into my tent abnormally. When she saw that I was safe and sick, she was surprised. She was surprised to point out that my backpack had run out of food and left without asking me where the food and water in my backpack had gone.
Rowling directly pushed herself into my suspicious eyes this morning. Is this because I am too suspicious and wary of people?
After combing my hair and curling my hair, I walked towards Rowling’s tent, and my mood was restless.
A ten-day trip to a desert island is a touchstone, and it can test people’s minds. What’s wrong with this? Such an accident will fall on me.
Walking far away from Rowling’s tent, I saw Rowling sitting in front of the tent with some food and water. jesse and Xiji were taking out the food and water from their backpacks and putting them with them in front of Rowling.
Note that Rowling, I see that Rowling is sitting there quietly without her usual noise. At the moment, she is very strategic
Seeing this, Rowling’s eyes narrowed slightly, and my mood was restrained. I was usually indifferent and close to Rowling and jesse’s brother Oshima.
I looked at me close to Rowling and immediately got up from the ground and greeted me with a smile. I was dragged to jesse and Xiji and sat down to greet me for breakfast.
I watched Rowling’s heartless appearance at breakfast quietly, quarrelling with jesse endlessly, watching jesse smile sweetly and talking with Rowling, and watching Xiji’s elegant meal.
After traveling to a desert island for ten days, nothing special happened. Every night, as usual, I went to the forester’s master to study magic array with him and chat with him after learning array.
Every night when I leave the camp, I will send a girl from Yin Zhu Li Gu Zi camp to observe Rowling, jesse and Xiji, but nothing is found.
In a blink of an eye, it will be the last night of the ten-day trip to a desert island, and our trip will be over. At that time, the travel agency will send a boat to pick us up and return to Tokyo.
When everyone in the campsite is fast asleep, I will leave the tent and prepare to go to the location of the master forester.
When I left, I woke up, goo-goo. Tonight is the last night on our desert island. Everything should remain vigilant and we must not slack off on the last night.
After Goose Boy responded, I headed for the location of the ranger’s master. Not long after I left the camp, I met a ghost who had not seen me for days.
I’m surprised to see a ghost again. At this moment, the ghost is full of something congenial, but it’s hard to hide it.
I asked why the ghost had not seen me for such a long time, and I took out the jade column from the object ring and teleported it out of the jade column. White fox told White Fox to take a look at the ghost situation ahead for me.
Head ghost belly out jie jie smile didn’t answer my question.
Segmented reading 362
Ask me when I can find his head for him.
I gave the first ghost a seven-day deadline when I estimated that after seven days, I would definitely be able to take the first ghost skull out of the array.
I replied with a cold hum at the belly of the ghost, accusing me of not putting his affairs at ease, saying that my so-called seven-day appointment was a prevarication
I said it wasn’t that he wanted to explain it to a ghost slowly, and I would have seven days to say it, while urging the white fox to talk about what it saw.
The white fox lay motionless in my arms, and the spirit told me that this was the last time that the ghost had been staying with a monster. The situation should be that the ghost and the demon were in harmony and the ghost and the demon were not in harmony.
When I heard what the white fox said, I continued to talk to the ghost slowly, and at the same time, I came to my side to help me fight for a joint effort to capture the ghost.
The head ghost can’t deal with him because of his head and my ghost door. Before the small dance at my wrist, I dropped my head with one blow. At this moment, the head ghost has gained the demon power, and the small dance is even more powerful. It is even more powerful to kill the ghost with one blow. I can guard against and attack the ghost with one blow.
In this case, I can only use Goo Zi’s help.
Goose boy, when I explained to a ghost, I had already arrived at the scene. As soon as Goose boy came over, the ghost’s body was lashing towards the darkness. Goose boy pounced on the ghost and imprisoned the ghost’s body with one stroke.
The little dance at my wrist immediately took off my wrist and her body was tightly wrapped around the ghost’s body.
The body of the imprisoned ghost burst into something fishy and there was a roar in his belly, accusing me of breaking my word and delusional things and wanting to take the treasure from him before it was done.
The ghost’s words woke me up. There are still ghosts in his belly that can completely hide the ghosts from big sleep. I told Goo Zi and Xiao Wu to kill the ghost immediately and take out the beads in his belly.
Goose boy and Xiao Wu joined forces to kill the ghost easily. Goose boy got a bead in the belly of a ghost.
Just when Goo Zi floated in front of me with the bead, the white fox in my arms suddenly gave an early warning.
The white fox said that it could sense that a monster was approaching our place quickly. It is estimated that the ghost just gave off a demon when it was about to be wiped out, which attracted the monster who wanted to fit in with the ghost.
When I heard the warning of the white fox, I quickly put up the array on the ground with reference to the direction of the white fox monster coming. I held the array of the white fox, and on the other side, Goo Zi and Xiao Dance hung on my left and right sides.
In the dark night, I saw a black bear demon running rapidly. The black bear demon was huge, but its lashing footsteps didn’t sound, and its body was full of evil spirit and something fishy overflowed.
When the black bear demon was a dozen paces away from me, he suddenly stopped and just stood there and stared at me quietly.
I noticed that the shape of the foot of the black bear demon standing in front of me was the shape of the footprint I saw in the ashes on the first floor of my temporary residence.
Looking up at the black bear demon as big as a hill, I wail in my heart that there will be a black bear demon on this desert island, and at the same time, I will ask the white fox about its odds against the black bear demon.
The white fox said that the black bear looks much more powerful than it when it looks like a demon. It is weaker if it is only demon power, but if it is added with charm power and the black bear is resistant to charm power, it can easily win.
The white fox’s answer made my heart a little wider. My spirit told the white fox that the charm of the fox demon family must be the enemy of ghosts and monsters.
In such a tense situation, my white fox spirit alliance has just ended. In my mind, the white fox chuckled and asked me if I had been charmed on the spot when it turned into a man.
The white fox’s inquiry made my mouth twitch. I stopped contacting the white fox’s spirit and focused on my eyes. I stopped moving forward and didn’t enter the black bear demon.
Chapter five hundred and thirty-nine Black Bear Demon
Not far from me is the campsite. I don’t want the black bear demon to be injected into the campsite at all. I hope that the black bear demon can automatically enter the array, even if it doesn’t, it can be easily blasted by the white fox.
The black bear demon stood still for a while, then sniffed a few times, and then burst out all over, which made me feel oppressed.
I felt the domineering degree of the monster, and I frowned. I have never encountered such a arrogant monster before.
Glancing at the amber ball on my wrist, I see that the amber ball on my wrist is purple at the moment.

There is no doubt that Nanping died in the small room of Hades’ cloister, but how he died is unknown

Small rooms are all separate when they enter, but they can meet in the middle.
What the hell is going on? Who can tell you clearly?
I pushed myself and searched carefully, but I couldn’t find any clues.
Yu Nanping’s elixir was broken and lost all her blood, but she was very injured. You can’t see who did it.
Moreover, his bag has disappeared, and it is not known whether it was secretly poisoned by people who were greedy for money.
Intentionally, unconsciously and ruthlessly stared at Zhao Zhu’s demon.
Zhao Zhu shrugged his shoulders and didn’t explain.
After a short rest, the team finally understood the reason why Hades’ Corridor was called Hades’ Corridor.
When everyone reaches the end of the cloister and kills a monster like plum blossom fear, they will return to the original point when they come out of the small room. A new round of killing monks has already seen the terrorist activities again in front.
Two votes short
Two votes short of one plus more.
Bo Yao was promoted, and he was busy in March, and his enthusiasm for ticket rushing was not as high as before.
But Bo Yao promised that Jia Geng would always keep in mind.
Two chapters can be added to the month. There are three chapters in total. These chapters will be added on March 15th.
There won’t be a chapter missing then.
Bo Yao can also add more to the recommended votes, but many friends in Qi Xin almost forgot to vote for this vote. It needs to be voted every day to be effective. The recommended votes need to be more basic. Bo Yao has long said that if not, forget it.
Full Bo Yao will automatically calculate and add more.
Thank Daoyou for your consistent support to Bo Yao.
Bo Yao has been working hard and has been insisting on rolling for two votes from Taoist friends.
Chapter nine hundred and four Serial murders
Hades cloister to kill the ranking then one less.
The second time the same situation happened again, the team killed a strange thing again for more than half a month, which became worse than before. The door reappeared in the weakest dinosaur corridor in the original wilderness.
Monks have chosen the door and entered.
Don’t know what Brother Sun Hao met, but Sun Hao’s side is still as smooth as the first time to enter the room.
Then this time Yue Dayong came in from the back door of the house almost at the same time.
There is still a mirror box one.
There is still an elixir of Shengyingdan in the mirror box, but Sun Hao has collected a lot of this elixir.
There was not much dispute with Yue Dayong, and the two of them had a tacit understanding and rationally distributed the room and then returned to the starting point of the cloister again.
Everyone is back to the starting point again.
And then fall to the friar again.
It is still the monk of the magic repair camp who fought with Sun Hao for several years without being killed. The horror and great fear of the wilderness high injury actually fell into the hades cloister like Nanping.
It’s almost the same as Nanping. You can’t see that the murderer is a person
However, two outstanding magic words have fallen in a row. Then it is not only the ghost March 9 that is a little on fire, but also the ghost Xi Lan who frowned tightly.
Monks don’t fall for nothing.
The small room is actually not dangerous. Two magic magic magic elixirs fall in succession. The biggest possibility is that they are killed by his ranking elixir.
Doubt spreads irrepressibly.
No one can guarantee what will happen when he enters the small room.
It’s hard for monks to finish understanding that there are two witnesses, especially without him. Anything can happen.
Moreover, the fall of the first monk has sounded the alarm, and it is really hard to say what happened when the second monk still failed to guard against it.
The biggest possibility is that the opponent’s strength is too strong, and of course, it may be that he met a very trusting person and was assassinated.
Friars have pride. Although they are seriously suspected, Zhao Zhumo still shrugs and doesn’t explain.
Li Min said, "I met my master elder brother."
Both sides of Taoism and demons are loose alliances, and there are many suspicions between them. It is also necessary to clarify them.
The atmosphere in the cloister is a little loose.
And then consciously everyone testifies to each other.
But in the end, Xia Qingyu, Ming Sanjiu, Gaia, Zeng Xiangwu and Gong Xiaoli entered a room alone and did not meet his brother.
None of the five people can prove their innocence, even the ghost does not rule out the possibility
I didn’t expect so many monks to enter the room alone. It’s not good to discuss it simply. After a while, the team killed the cloister for the third time
Soon Qi Xin joined forces to play a small room again.
Suddenly, the soul in front of each door said, "Dear Taoist friends, please try to leave us some clues if you meet his brother who can’t resist killing."
Ranking Jin Danyou is a shock to the weaker monk Qi Qi.
The monks pushed the door and pushed in.
Step into the room and touch the shoulder. Sun Hao is thoughtful in his heart
This time, Sun Hao slightly slowed down the pace of advancement and killed the past.
More than an hour when Sun Hao entered the room, he was very surprised to find that Xia Qingyu and Ghost Xi Lan were in a stalemate.
Actually, three monks can come in at the same time
The situation is even more complicated.
Xia Qingyu and ghost Xi Lan also suddenly one leng and then found that it was Corleone who came in, but it was not a sigh of relief at the same time.
Almost at the same time, the two populations called "Hao Ge Gong …"
Corleone nodded slightly with a wry smile. "Hello, Xiaoyu Xiaobai."

Physical fitness is not an illusion. He is very tired now, but it is also a rest for him to repair some simple mecha parts

During the repair and rest, a message came from the bracelet, indicating that the commander of base 6 was looking for him.
There are already several horses in my heart, and soon I came to the commander’s office. It is not surprising that Tang Qiao is here.
"Lao Ji, how do you feel?"
"Very good," Ji Xinghe said directly. "It’s precious when you have something to say, sir."
The command hesitated for a moment before he told that part of the meet he had just received.
Give Ji Xinghe some digestion and then say, "You don’t make a decision now because of this negotiation plan. If so, it must be when the No.3 base was destroyed by the empire and we destroyed more imperial military forces with the bait of No.3 base."
Ji Xinghe asked calmly, "Peace talks?"
"It’s not peace talks, it’s negotiations. There is a qualitative difference, but from a certain point of view, it’s really possible," the commander explained. "You have to know that this kind of thing will not be shifted by our will or influenced by the will of the empire. It’s very complicated. I can’t say it without thinking."
Ji Xinghe was silent.
Tang Qiao coughed a mouthful and said, "Captain Ji Xinghe, I know you have a big problem with me, but I have my duty to find a job in Longzhou dialect."
Ji Xinghe looked at Tang Qiao. "Tell me straight."
"I want to know one thing," Tang Qiao looked at Ji Xinghe else. "If you didn’t practice, would you think of some way to take the Marquis orangutan away from the base? Please tell the truth and don’t worry about what you say, because we can understand your mood."
Ji Xinghe replied without hesitation "not for the time being"
"So" Tang Qiao stared at Ji Xinghe’s eyes tightly. "If Ji Rong Xinyue had physical problems and our medical treatment could not cure him, would you choose to leave with the marquis orangutan?"
The metal desktop was slapped. The commander got up and glared at Tang Qiao. "Lieutenant Colonel Tang Qiao, I need to wake you up. I can expel you from my base at any time. If you can’t speak, let the person behind you change to someone who can speak."
Tang Qiao continued to stare at Ji Xinghe.
Ji Xinghe took a deep breath and looked at the commander’s eyes to stop the tone and remained calm.
"Yes, I’ll find a way to take it away."
When Tang Qiao was satisfied, Ji Xinghe continued, "I can also tell you that if the situation you mentioned happens and you don’t want me to leave with the Marquis orangutan, I will go directly to the Imperial Barracks. I will surrender and I will betray the Federation. Are you satisfied with this answer?"
Tangqiao’s expression looks dissatisfied at all, with a full face of shock.
The commander was also shocked and quickly said, "Lao Ji, are you tired of physical fitness test?" After the physical fitness test, you go to rest and go to the maintenance area to repair what mecha? Well, you go back first and we … "
"No, I’m sober now."
Ji Xinghe refused the commander’s kindness and continued to look at Tang Qiao and said, "Actually, I can understand the meaning of people like you. You need to balance the forces of all continents to keep the Federation stable."
"You need to prevent possible betrayal before, so that the Federation will not be too passive in this war."
"You will do whatever it takes to get more advantages in this war, and there are many …"
"But have you ever thought that it’s not good for you to do this?"
Ji Xinghe said it was not a question. He stepped back three steps from Tang Qiao.
"Don’t be afraid that I won’t hit you, because I hit you, you can arrest me, but you can’t stop me from saying anything. As you just said, all this didn’t happen, and it’s hard to testify what I said."
Ji Xinghe pointed to his chest badge.
"Special captain, 54 Venus. If I want to, I can get a hundred Venus."
"I’m Ji Xinghe. Many people know my name and many people know my story. I used to think that I was a dust and didn’t want to make a fortune, but it turns out that I don’t seem to be a dust anymore."
"If you arrest me for talking and restrict my freedom, Jackson will hit you, Li Han will hit you, and the Xinghe team will turn from the battlefield and charge the maintenance area of base 6 and base 5, and the whole Federation will be chaotic because of public opinion."
"But I’m threatening you. Threatening you."
Ji Xinghe’s tone is still calm at this time, and his eyes are equally calm, but he has imposed poor oppression on Tang Qiao.
"Lieutenant Colonel Tangqiao, I am responsible for telling you that no matter what plans you have, if these plans affect my granddaughter … believe me, even if I die, you will bear the consequences that you don’t want to bear."

Too fast to see Zong asked the figure and saw a blue streamer.

The fire in the sky moves with the movement of Zong Wen.
But the fire turned into a huge fire, obviously not as fast as Zong Wen’s moving speed.
Nearest to Zongwen, the fire is the fastest, farthest from Zongwen, slowest and fastest, almost chasing Zongwen and dragging a long flame streamer in his body.
See cyan streamer moving at top speed followed by a top speed flame streamer, and draw a bright track in the sky to attack Yunfan at top speed.
Zong asked that the speed was so fast that he could move four kilometers in one second. Yun Fan could not defend the root at a long distance and hurriedly recovered the emperor’s extremely Geng Jin firm but gentle body.
On zong asked from which direction to attack Yun Fan’s body, the emperor, the Geng Jin, the firm but gentle shock wave, all of which were able to attack for the first time and burst the attack.
In the sky, a blue streamer dragged a long flame streamer, and Yun Fan moved rapidly in all directions, and the flames and animals came from all directions in Yun Fan.
In the sky, the flame streamer dragged a long track and surrounded Yun Fan round and round.
However, around Yun Fan, there will always be a brilliant golden sword light, which will attack Zong Wen and break the defense one by one.
"Lord, see how long you can stop!"
Zong asked and shouted that the flame streamer formed a smaller and smaller trajectory circle and kept compressing Yun Fan’s defense range around the clouds and sails
"Mecha Equipment"
Yun Fan suddenly a drink.
Zong asked that the offensive was too fierce. It was really difficult to persist in attacking Yun Fan for too long in the face of Zong asked.
With only one imperial pole Geng Jin firm but gentle enemy zong asked.
Then Yun Fan naturally moves the card-51.
In a flash, a large amount of metal like mercury poured out of Yun Fan’s right wrist mecha bracelet and wrapped Yun Fan in a second.
51 mecha equipped successfully
"A metal suit?"
Zong asked his eyebrows to pick a way. "I didn’t expect you to have defensive armor. It’s a pity that your speed is not as good as mine. You can’t escape from my defensive armor in the palm of your hand."
Defensive armor?
51 mecha to Yun Fan sneer at.
With a variant of Yun Fan’s idea, the emperor Geng Jin’s firm but gentle sword didn’t split to the impact, but directly split to Zong Wen.
Emperor Geng Jin’s firm but gentle speed is as fast as Zong Wen’s moving twelve times the speed of sound.
Soon, the golden sword light will split Zong Wen’s body before attacking Zong Wen’s body earlier than the flame animals.
"Do you have any defensive treasures?"
Zong asked for a cold drink and a dark red triangular shield flew out instantly.
Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle split dark red triangle shield issued a crisp explosive.
Bright sparks splash
The dark red triangle shield has a seal and is not damaged.
At the same time, Yun Fan manipulated 51 to blow out.
The virtual exploding iron fist hits the head of the flame animal, and the flame animal with millions of pounds of impact force is torn apart with one punch.
"The mysterious defense treasure?"
"How can your body have such great power?"
Yun Fan, zong asked exclaimed at the same time.
Look surprised but both hands are unambiguous.
Whew …
The golden light flashed, and the emperor Jin Geng’s firm but gentle spirit merged into the avenue, and the golden vitality became bright again. He asked Xiang Zong if he continued to kill.
Zong asked to move the flame streamer, and another flame animal flew out to kill Yunfan.
Yun Fan punches 51, the peak of strength and great power, which can be called terror, and the second fire animal is also blown to pieces.
Then 51 turned into a streamer and rushed over to Zongwen.
Speed-ten times the speed of sound
Zong asked to make the dark red triangle shield resist the attack of Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle, and the sparks splashed and blocked Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle.
However, the impact of the power contained in the imperial Geng Jin firm but gentle made the speed of the rapidly moving Zhong Zong slow down.
At this time, 51 is like a streamer, punching out.
A deafening explosion sounded and the sky was blasted out of a hole by Yun Fan’s fist. Before the instant boom zong asked.
The dark red triangle shield blocked the blow and let out a detonation.
Shields jerked back by the shock of terrorist forces.
Suddenly asked the defense ahead.
Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle fast if disease light flash again to split up.
Lost the dark red triangle shield to resist zong asked, surprised and shocked.
Chapter 246 Give you two choices! (4 more commutation ticket)
51 strength is beyond Zong Wen’s expectation.
Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle is terrible, and the cutting power of sharp gold vitality is amazing.
The 51 attack is a simple and powerful force.
On Strength Intensity The first layer of Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle is far less powerful than 51 boxing.
Therefore, the Xuanbaoqi’ Dark Red Triangle Shield’ can resist the attack of Emperor Geng Jin but can’t stop 51 punches.
However, Zong Wen-wen was blocked by the dark red triangle shield, and he could also block the 51 punch attack.